How safe is it to Consume Decaffeinated Coffee when Pregnant?

 Pregnancies are challenging. That’s because it takes a lot of mental and physical strength to bring a new life into existence. And for that, pregnant women need to be extra careful with their diet and routine.

Pregnancy is known for having frequent mood swings and cravings, and keeping your cravings in control for the unborn baby’s health is every mother’s first concern.

But caffeine is a strong addiction. And if you are a coffee person who needs to have at least one coffee a day to survive, it must be tough for you to stay decaffeinated throughout pregnancy. But when a woman can ditch regular clothes and opt for maternity bottom wear, ditch gym workout, and opt for yoga exercises, then why can’t she select a healthier alternative for coffee?

 Talking about that, have you heard of decaf coffee? Let us quickly find out how safe decaffeinated coffee is for pregnant women.

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Can a pregnant woman consume decaf coffee?

According to expert studies at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, decaf coffee is a safe alternative for pregnant moms. They have a lesser amount of caffeine as compared to regular coffee. 

But less doesn't mean the absence of caffeine in coffee. There is still enough caffeine in decaf coffee for a pregnant woman to be watchful of her consumption.

Consumption limit of decaf coffee for a pregnant woman

According to an obstetrician and gynecologist study, pregnant women should consume no more than 200g of caffeine daily. One regular cup of decaf coffee contains 2 to 5mg of caffeine. But the numbers vary from brand to brand, packaging to packaging, and type to type.

Why can’t women consume caffeine during pregnancy?

Giving birth is not easy. Every woman's body goes through a lot of changes during pregnancy. And one of these changes includes decreasing the metabolic rate of caffeine in pregnant women. This means their body naturally stops digesting caffeine.

This also increases the pending level of caffeine in a pregnant woman’s body. In such cases, consuming more coffee is dangerous for the baby's and mother's health.

Things to remember:

  1. Decaf coffee is still coffee, so consume not more than two to three cups daily.

  2. You are not consuming caffeine just in the form of coffee. Other food items like chocolate, soft drinks, tea, energy drinks, soda, and other supplements also contain some amount of caffeine. So, the 200mg limit of caffeine consumption must be adequately regulated.

  3. Excess decaf coffee for pregnant women also has side effects like heartburn, upset stomach, insomnia, dizziness, and other concerns. So, discuss your consumption of decaf coffee with your gynaecologist and set your consumption limits accordingly.

Bottom line:

Pregnancies are times when a woman has to balance her needs and her unborn baby's needs. This balance is not impossible but indeed difficult since she has to do justice to herself and her baby.

With multiple alternatives available for expecting moms, like maternity partywear, skincare products, and decaf coffee, one can always find a safer option. Just do some research on them and find out a mid-way through managing your health, cravings, and the health of your baby too.

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